Write your own Reconciliation Action Plan

This is your toolkit to create a personalised Reconciliation Action Plan!

For those who haven’t heard of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a business enters into the process of a RAP, committing to make change within their organisation. There are several different stages of a RAP process, the first document being the ‘Reflect RAP’ which allows a business to reflect on their current Indigenous engagement.

This page will assist you in how to develop your own personal RAP in the areas of your influence.

Have you purchased from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander business this month? If yes, list them.

Name the Indigenous businesses located in your local area or that you know about that?

How are you supporting the above businesses? have you purchased from them? have you referred them to your friends?

How are you celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW)?

How are you celebrating NAIDOC week?

Are you able to influence anyone else to come and participate in any of these events or businesses?

Develop your own Acknowledgement of Country, here is an example template:

I would like to acknowledge and pay my respects to ______________, the Traditional Custodians on whose land I live, love, _____ and ______. I want to pay my respect to the Elders for nurturing and caring for this land so that I can _______. I extend this acknowledgement to all our stolen children yet to find home, and to all First Nations people across the world. I feel especially connected to ________________

Have a look around your house at what products you currently get that you could support an Indigenous business instead. Hint: even my toilet paper supports Indigenous artists. 

How much time will you dedicate to looking up alternative brands?

How many products do you dedicate to changing to an Indigenous brand?

How many Indigenous documentaries will you watch this year?

How many Indigenous books will you read this year?

It’s always important to have an accountability partner. Someone to brainstorm with and to ensure you are achieving the goals you have set out to achieve.

Who is your accountability partner?

How will you ensure you remain on track with your progress?

Share your progress with me!

Unfortunately finding genuine indigenous businesses and products aren’t as easy as it may seem but there are some things you can look out for to out you at ease. Kinaway certified is for Victorian Indigenous businesses who have at least 50% ownership. Indigenous Art code have a criteria to ensure transactions are ethical. Supply nation have a number of tiered partnerships from any indigenous owner within the business (not % specific which is an issue) and one that is at least 50% Indigenous owned.